APS Recovery

APS Recovery is a Distressed Debt Asset Manager, a standalone business headquartered in the Czech Republic and a member of APS Holding.We are a full-scope service provider to many institutional investors in NPL portfolios as well as to banks, leasing providers, and telecommunications and utility companies.

Our professionals are ready to provide fast, efficient and ethical collection services. With experience since 2004 in the distressed-debt recovery industry, we’ve learnt how best to deal with clients and debtors in a fair manner.

Within Debt Recovery, APS provides services in the following segments:

  • Unsecured retail claims
  • Mortgages (including managing the eviction process according to applicable laws)
  • Secured corporate claims
  • Other complementary services such as financial reports and car repossession

Our performance

Managing more than 500,000 corporate and retail debt across CEE and SEE, our experienced managerial team aims to find the most
advantageous outcome for each case.

Recovery specialists covering Central and South-eastern Europe

Over 500,000 loans under management

Serving more than 100 clients:banks, insurance, leasing, telco
utility and other

Industry leading software and infrastructure


To provide first-class service, APS relies on the following elements.


APS has always relied significantly on developing and growing its own employees. The internal pool of employees is supplemented by specific skill sets from the market by recruiting experienced experts from banks, advising companies, law firms, and other businesses. 


The core recovery system that APS uses is Capone, a recovery software that has been significantly tailored to the specific uses of APS and has proven to be a great tool for managing, tracking, and optimizing collection strategies and processes. A high level of flexibility also enables full integration with the systems of our customers, leading to automatic and regular data exchanges.



Group know-how regarding the collection, standardization, and development of processes is a great basis for any debt recovery activity. On the other hand, many cases (or portfolios) require a special approach and out-of-the-box thinking.

New services and products

To meet the needs of our customers and broaden the range of our services, we have in recent years introduced also services, such as Customer Care.


Corporate Debt Recovery

Our specialised corporate recovery teams have the experience to manage both secured and unsecured distressed debts. We can handle performing loans as well as non-performing loans of various ages. Our speciality is handling distressed debts with real estate collateral assets. In certain situations we use restructuring as a complementary tool that allows us to maximise benefits for all participants in the transaction.

Customer Care Projects

Phone actions and dedicated campaigns: outgoing or inbound (hotlines) for:

Help desks

A helpline is a tool for two-way communication with customers providing them, in a supportive manner, with the reliable and accurate information necessary to make a choice between products and helps them to make purchasing decisions. Additionally, helplines are a good method for obtaining information about customers and their preferences and expectations to better match the demands of potential purchasers.

Telephone surveys and information campaigns:

Telesales and SMS campaigns provide valuable information about the effectiveness of marketing activities. More intensive helpline traffic may indicate that a message conveyed via various media has reached the right target group. Recording conversation themes and noting new FAQs, consultants build feedback bases for advertising messages.

Retail Debt Recovery

Distressed debts are burdensome for individuals and their communities alike. We help debtors get out of debt by building and planning individual payment schedules and supporting them in this endeavour, so they can build lives debt free. We are determined to help debtors create individual payment schedules and provide assistance in order to avoid forced execution of their property.



Active telephone sales (cross-selling and up-selling)

You can use the telephone to actively seek customers who might be interested in your additional offers, that is engage in telesales. Our staff, trained in your products, initiate contact with a prospective customer for your company. During a professionally conducted conversation, they present the offer for a selected product/service. Surveys show that 70% of purchasers are more willing to buy the products and services of a company that actively contacts its customers.

Information about promotions or special offers:

The effectiveness of push marketing strategies broadly lies in intensifying communication with dealers and partners. With a database of a specific target group, segmented in relation to the prepared offer, an outsourced call centre can reach at least 2,000 companies per day with information about a promotion in its final stages. In such a situation, demand can increase by as much as 30%, and you can dispose of a specific product in stock. It is enough, jointly with an APS call centre, to properly plan campaigns and train consultants to attain the intended effect.



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